Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Crocs...Owning Them!

Crocs...I got a pair of plain red ones for my birthday..I put them on, looked down at my feet and thought BOZO THE CLOWN! I thought they were too big for me, so I went to three different stores to try to exchange them. I tried on a pair of plain black ones and they looked much smaller on my feet, even though they were the same size. I decided to trade the red ones in for black and test them out at home...I did and I fell in love with them!

For over four years the hard tile over the concrete sub floors have caused my shin splints to rear up when ever I spend a lot of time walking around on the tile. I usually feel this when I'm knee deep in cleaning...I have to stop because my legs are tired and in pain.

I decided to test out my new crocs and did a deep cleaning of the downstairs...It had been a few weeks since my house full of guests left and I couldn't find the motivation to clean up after the messy little critters. I actually think this is a trick parents usually save for their pre-teen children..."hey, check out these new shoes, I bet they'll help you to enjoy cleaning up this mess, try them out!" but none-the-less, it worked on me.

I did my deep cleaning with no pain and wasn't tired from it. I then decide that I wanted my red crocs back! One of the reasons I decided to trade them in for black ones was because I was told that the bright cheery red I liked was "from the old season" WHO KNEW dorky had seasons!? I turned to my favorite shopping place...eBay! I searched for red crocs and up popped the Mickey Mouse ones..of course, I told myself, if you're going to have red crocs, then you should have red MM crocs and I bought them!

Now I freely wear both the red and the black openly in public. Ugly, dorkey, call them what you like, I will call them comfortable and wear them whenever I make a shopping trip or go anywhere that I know I'll be walking around for a long time!

Now you have heard my crocs conversation story...give them a shot, you too might be surprised when you are converted!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Nothing Happens by Chance

So, today we're having a storm, rain coming down pretty good and for a bit. I try to call my friend in CA who loves the rain like I do so I can share this storm with her.

Somehow while in the car with the rain coming down so hard, I dial Robbie instead of Sharan....The message says mailbox full and I panic.

You see, I'm a single person living alone and know that unless I keep in touch with those in my life everyday, something could go wrong and no one would know for a long time. There is nobody at home waiting for me, so there is nobody to know that I didn't come home.

Kai told me almost two weeks ago that you didn't return her birthday call to you, I felt a bit better that you didn't return mine....OK, he must be enjoying a weekend away for his birthday, good for him, I hope he's having a good time. I can't wait to hear about it.

But today I sort of panic...has anyone heard from Robbie in two weeks? Why is his mailbox full? I called Kai to ask if she's heard from her brother lately. She tells me he has a new phone for work, I think, "doesn't he still check his old VM?" "Is someone stalking him so that he doesn't WANT to check his VM?" I wonder if his new relationship has some how gone bad...I hope not.

So I called the new number given to me and left a message. My cell phone rang at 9:40pm tonight and I rushed to get it in time, perhaps it's Robbie, who else would be calling at this time?

I didn't hear from him tonight and decided I NEED to know what's going on and send him an email message....I only hope this mailbox isn't full and he has time to drop a note and just let me know everything is fine and he's just been busy.Happy Birthday and congrats on the new job! I hope it's going well and that you are doing fine.